
Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day: Celebrating yet another year of single hood *foreveralone*

Valentines Day tomorrow. And guess what, we have the Negotiation and Conflict Management final role play at school tomorrow. Another year coming to school for presentations on a Valentines day. So fated right? 

Presentations, projects, assignments, submissions and exams on untimely days (for example, Valentines day, Chinese New Year)? With SP, it's so possible. SP, WHY WE ARE SO FATED. 

Nevertheless, I enjoyed going back to school though. I feel so belonged to school, even if it means going back to school on a Valentines day. Better than staying at home, rotting and getting nagged by mother. 

Let's head back to topic, shall we? Tomorrow marks yet another year of being single. Well, sometimes, I yearn for a relationship too. Though there were many chances given to me, I refused to accept them. Staying truthful to my oath of staying single till I finish my studies. Well, until end of Poly life, at least. Why am I contradicting myself, le sigh. 

Once bitten, twice shy. Went through a relationship once is enough. And there is so much freedom being single. You don't have to worry about ditching your friends, just to go out with a girl.And you can be there for your friends, when they need you. You don't have to worry about planning times for friends and girlfriend. A lot more benefits to being single.

Alright, that's my general points of view about being single. I am not saying having a relationship is bad. I would be a bad ass if I say it sucks being in a relationship. Of course, if you can find true love in the relationship, there, the happiness is all yours. If you have a understanding girlfriend, that would be even better. 

For those forever alone people, treat tomorrow as a friendship day. Cherish your friends, make them feel blessed and fortunate. 

For me, having a date with SP tomorrow. Presentation for two consecutive years on a Valentines day, it's fate. FML, haha, kidding. Enjoy tomorrow people. 


Signing off.

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