
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Silence is GOLDEN!

Silence is the BEST POLICY. Some might agree. 

Sometimes, words are better left unspoken. We uttered those hurtful words out of concern, when we were angry or when we react to things, although we have zero intention of hurting others. 

As a result, people got hurt, emotionally or mentally. 

Say, we were nagged constantly, some even 24 hours a day by overly concerned parents. Yea, I know that feel. It's suck to be nagged. We exploded when we could not take anymore nags from them. We rebuked them back, challenged their authority. However, do we intent to hurt their feeling? 

NO! It's because when it goes beyond the limit we can hold, we too exploded, the feelings we been holding burst into million pieces. And we start rebuking them. But it always ended up both parties getting hurt emotionally. Parents especially mothers would cry, and, when we saw them bursting into tears, we would feel guilty too. It's all because of the words that we uttered, even though there was no intention of hurting them. 

So. don't you think it's sometimes best to keep our mouth shut and let them nag. I know it's near impossible but we wouldn't know if you don't try, don't we? Just remember, SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

Sometimes, we would see our friends doing the action that are not right. Out of concern, we might spew out the words again. We never learnt, did we? Although it is not right for us to not point out their wrongs, but, for the sake of friendship, saving our asses, we have to stay put and close eyes unless it is really necessary for us to step in.

So you are getting my points. Yeah, the emphasis is stay silence unless necessary to rebuke. Anyway, I don't think I am making sense right now with my brain almost dead. 

Signing off.

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