I have no idea why I went vegetarian. It was a random decision. Sometimes, yours truly tend to imagine a lot. "When we are eating meat, we are also swallowing the animals' pains, sufferings, cry and their feeling too. Animals do have feeling too, and yet they were slaughtered for our consumption. Do they have a right to protest? Sadly, no. Their meat were then created into various delicacies to satisfy our taste buds. It was unfair for them. I seen animals cried and begged for their life to be spared from being slaughtered."
That's the reason why I decided to get a break from consuming meats and go for vegetarian instead, for a week. Also a form of fasting as well as doing some good deed as I have yet to perform any deed of puñña (merit) ever since I came back from my beloved country. So going vegetarian was a way for me to commit the act of giving, dānamayaṃ puññakiriyavatthu.
Hereby I am, sharing my merits gained from my act of giving,with the sentient beings in 31 realms. From as low as realms of hell and pretas to as high as the realms of Brahmas. May the beings in 31 realms received the equal share of my merits. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu /^\
But being a meat lover, first day of being a vegetarian was pretty hard as there was a sudden change of intake of nutrition. From someone consuming meat everyday to a total vegetarian, avoiding meat at all cost, oh boy, that was pretty hard. Especially first day. But subsequent days were much better. Yours truly got used to the feel of being a vegan. And today, I have completed a week of going vegan.
During the week of going vegan, my family and friends tried to test my resolve by luring me with nice nice food like roasted chicken. They failed. Haha! I was able to resist them and the temptation. But to be honest, I almost gave up on day three and four and back to eating meat. I am surprise I was able to overcome the temptation. Amazing isn't it. :)
Feeling so proud of myself. Shall go vegetarian again in future, frequently until I am able to live without meat. But now, I am sad to say that I am still a meat lover. :( I'm such a contradicting asshole. But hey, I shall consume less and lesser meat. :)
A merit has gained. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu. Buddham Saranam Gachcahmi, Dhaman Saranam Gachcahmi, Sanghan Saranam Gachcahmi. /^\
That's all folks. Have a great day ahead.
Signing Off.
P.S: No offence intended towards other religions. Everything written are my views, perspective. My sincere apologies if you do not share my sentiments.